Sunday, August 13, 2017

Summer 2017 Acrylic Class

Acrylic Class Project: Summer Fun Week 6

This was the last week I worked on my project. Remember this wasn't about having a photo-realistic painting at the end but to explore and experiment. Mine is more a fantasy or dream like  painting and while I am not sure I will keep it as is, I am not unhappy with it. It is very different from the way I usually paint and it was fun to do which was the whole purpose: To have fun and cross personal boundaries if for no other reason than to give yourself permission to explore.

 I started out finishing up the highlights and shadows on the tower as well as a bit of detail like the bolt heads, the sign on the back and the wires to the window shutters.
I also highlighted the edge of the roof and tops of rails using a mix of white (gesso) and a tiny touch of yellow to warm it up and tint the white.

I also made the tracks in the sand look less high by breaking up the ridges and flattening out the spaces in between. I alternated between a medium sand color and the highlight color to create more texture in the sand.

Finally I got to the drips. I had to add a bit more water to my paint so it was like a thick ink and I kept applying it until it ran, tilting my canvas to control the direction of the drips. I wanted to repeat colors I had in the sky but there is no rhyme or reason for why I put them where I did, it's all made up anyway.

This is the final stage of this painting and I hope that it gave you the courage to try something different. Until next time, keep painting and I will see you in class.

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