Sunday, October 6, 2019

Fall 2019 Acrylic Class

Project: Alaskan Fishing Village Week 3

In our last class, we started under painting some of what will be detail in our painting.

Be sure that you have a dark area under the buildings, that can bee green with blue and purple, before you add the posts. Nothing needs to be perfectly straight on these buildings.

I also added some shore line using burnt sienna a little blue and gesso (white) to make a warm mid-tone gray and right along some of the shoreline (look at the photo), I pulled down some muddy areas.This stroke is like a comma that starts down, the curves into the water. The direction of your strokes is important so it looks like sloping mud.

I also used the mud color with a bit more blue to make a gray and white to change the value to under paint the boats and the pilings, adding touches of the three colors to change either color or value. Also, look at the photo, you will see that the big boat by the side of the brown building can be seen through the pilings.

We spent a lot of our time adding the reflections of the building into the water. This is challenging because we want to paint it just like we did above but it isn't. It isn't as defined as the house above and the water's movement blurs the edges and any detail. Key thing to remember when painting reflections: Straight down and straight across.

The red house isn't straight red, mix either cad red or napthol with some burnt sienna to "muddy" the color for the under painting, it will still look red because of all the green around it but it won't look so bright. The other building is the same colors as you used to under paint the land version.

Our paintings are stating to take shape and we are entering the detail phase so get ready to watch this really change in the next couple of weeks.

Keep painting and I will see you in class.

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